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Pain must be regarded as a disease... and the physician's first duty is action--heroic action--to fight disease. 

--Benjamin Rush 

this page: Pain Theory And Complementary Treatment  -  Pain, the DiseasePain is an epidemic, undertreated disease,Opioid Pain Relievers Chronic Pain: 2. The Case for Opiods - other medications

use it to communicate to health professionals

10kill me now, I cannot bear to live one more nanosecond

  9 I am here to keep me from killing myself with the pills I have at home, the pain is that bad
8 please just let me loose consciousness
7  it hurts so much I can no longer think clearly, or act in a dignified manner
6 it is constant and nothing I have at hand gives me relief
5 it comes and goes and nothing I have at hand gives me relief
4 the pain does not go away and it is scaring me, I am afraid to sleep because I might not wake up
3 I could use something to make it more bearable, I am here because do not know what this is
2 I could use something to make it more bearable, I am here because do know what this is
1  It's bearable but enough to make me come to hospital just in case
Pain Theory And Why Complementary Treatment Strategies Work To Reduce Pain

Pain Theory may sound very dull. It probably is! But- if you know how pain works you will be able to more wholeheartedly embrace complementary therapies such as meditation, guided imagery, massage and so on. So bear with me as we briefly cover the pain theory. 

Have you noticed that when your mind or body is fully occupied with something other than your symptoms your pain is relieved? That at these times you feel it much less, or perhaps you just don’t notice it at all? 
Did you know that it has been shown that soldiers with war wounds feel less pain than a civilian with comparable injuries? Pain theory says that this is because for the soldiers their wounds meant a discharge home and an end to being in danger, whereas for the civilians it meant anxiety and fear. 
That someone who has lost a limb can still feel pain in the missing limb? 
These examples show that perception of pain isn't constant but varies between people and with circumstances, The process of pain perception isn’t a straightforward cause and effect.What does pain theory tell us about that? 
The old mechanistic view of pain is that something is damaged or diseased and that this produces a feeling of pain proportional to the severity of the injury. It is based on this theory that people with chronic pain, who have had all their diagnostic tests come back negative, are often convinced that something has been missed and are keen to have surgery. But because of the nature of pain surgery more often than not makes no difference, and may actually worsen the pain. 
What Is Pain?
Pain is now believed to be a complex process influenced by many factors including emotions and thoughts. And because pain perception is influenced by emotions and thoughts we have an opportunity to make a difference to its severity by working on our thoughts and emotions. We can do this whether the pain is brought about by a known injury or disease or an unknown one. 

This isn’t the same as saying it is all in your head or is imaginary. Your body works as a whole and your brain is a part of that whole. The brain is the power house for all bodily processes. That is why being brain dead is the critical factor that determines death. Any other part of our body that stops functioning is able to be kept going mechanically, but if our brain stops supporting life that is final. 

So if we accept that all the necessities of life are mediated by brain functioning we have to agree that pain is a part of that and that the brain controls our perception of pain. Therefore we may be able to influence it. 

Pain Theory And Pain Pathways

Chronic pain is processed differently from short acting acute pain. When you burn yourself on an iron the sensation of pain is transmitted quickly to your brain causing you to remove your hand at once, without even thinking about it. Chronic pain reaches the brain more slowly and, unlike acute pain, it passes through the hypothalamus, which orders stress hormones to be released, and the limbic system, which is responsible for thoughts and emotions. 
The brain is also able to send a message back down the nerves to block the pain, necessary if we are in mortal danger and need to fight back or flee. This descending pathway provides a mechanism which can be used to block pain under non-life threatening conditions and can also be a useful tool with which to fight chronic pain. 

Neurotransmitters & The Theory Of Pain

Another mechanism for transmitting pain is by the chemicals, found in every nerve cell, called neurotransmitters. These either send or block pain messages. Seratonin is one such neurotransmitter. It blocks pain and induces a feeling of well-being. The newer antidepressants are called ‘seratonin re-uptake inhibitors’ which just means that they increase the time that seratonin remains in your body before it is re-absorbed. The effect of that is to increase feelings of contentment and reduce depression. 
Endorphin is another neurotransmitter,a natural pain killer similar to morphine. This is where the runners high comes from. The level of these chemicals varies between people and their production can be voluntarily increased, for example by vigorous exercise. That is why exercise is an important facet of pain treatment

Gate Control Pain Theory

1. Gate Control is one theory of how pain is transmitted. It says that there are bundles of nerve fibers, ‘gates’ along the nerve pathway that must be open to allow the pain sensation to travel to the brain. The theory is that if there is a sufficient stimulus the gate closes, preventing further sensations passing through. 
The theory has never been convincingly proved but nevertheless some aspects of it are helpful. It may account for the way in which pain can be relieved by rubbing or other stimuli such as acupuncture or massage. 
2. A more recent theory is Loesser’s 'Onion' theory. This theorises that the pain mechanism is a series of nested layers like an onion. The nerve stimulus or damage is at the centre, the next layer is the perception of pain, then come suffering, pain behaviour, and finally interaction with the environment. These last two layers, pain behaviour and interaction with the environment, are the only factors able to be clinically observed. 

3.The currently accepted model of pain theory is an amalgamation of the 'Onion' and the 'Gate Control' theories. Current pain theory likens the pathway of pain to the brain with a set of 3 or more stereo amplifiers representing: 

      the body part that hurts,
      the spinal cord and
      the brain. 
Between each 'amplifier' or group of nerve fibers, pain can be blocked or its transmission allowed. 

To Summarize Pain Theory: 

Normally the brain perceives pain when a painful stimulus is applied. But due to the interaction between psychological and environmental factors this is not always the case. These factors are a normal but variable part of our sensory and emotional experiences. The idea of pain as purely psychological or purely physical is invalid. All pain is a mixture of these factors. 

Treatment Options Based On Pain Theory 

Because the sensation of pain and suffering is influenced by all the above factors treatment must take account of them. Medication, if prescribed, is only a part of the treatment. 

We should use all the tools in the pain control toolbox. These include medical remedies prescribed for us by our doctors, as well as complementary therapies designed to block pain from reaching the brain, or to change our perception and of course our suffering. 

These complementary treatments all work side by side with any medical treatments your doctor prescribes and I am sure that they will meet with approval, why not discuss them at your next appointment? 

Now you can see how the mind influences pain and why mind body therapies are an important part of any chronic pain control plan. It all goes back to pain theory and how pain is initiated in the brain. It does not mean that anyone thinks pain is 'all in your head' in the crazy sense. 

Explaining pain theory to your family might help you and them to understand what is going on. In the end you can simply smile and agree that, yes pain is all in the head. 


This well written article for the layman was forwarded to me:

December 16, 2001, Sunday


Pain, the Disease
By Melanie Thernstrom (NYT) 4579 words

A modern chronicler of hell might look to the lives of chronic-pain patients for inspiration. Theirs is a special suffering, a separate chamber, the dimensions of which materialize at the New England Medical Center pain clinic in downtown Boston. Inside the cement tower, all sights and sounds of the neighborhood -- the swans in the Public Garden, the lanterns of Chinatown -- disappear, collapsing into a small examining room in which there are only three things: the doctor, the patient and pain. Of these, as the endless daily parade of desperation and diagnoses makes evident, it is pain whose presence predominates.

''Yes, yes,'' sighs Dr. Daniel Carr, who is the clinic's medical director. ''Some of my patients are on the border of human life. Chronic pain is like water damage to a house -- if it goes on long enough, the house collapses. By the time most patients make their way to a pain clinic, it's very late.'' What the majority of doctors see in a chronic-pain patient is an overwhelming, off-putting ruin: a ruined body and a ruined life. It is Carr's job to rescue the crushed person within, to locate the original source of pain -- the leak, the structural instability -- and begin to rebuild: psychically, psychologically, socially.

For leaders in the field like Carr, this year marks a critical watershed. In January, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the basic national health care review board, implemented the first national standards requiring pain assessment and control in all hospitals and nursing homes. Standards for evaluating and managing pain in lab animals have long been tightly regulated, but curiously there had never before been any legal equivalent for people. Maine took the further step last year of passing its own legislation requiring the aggressive treatment of pain, and California and other states are considering following suit.

''It's a field on the verge of an explosion,'' Carr says. ''There's no area of medicine with more growth and more public interest. We've come far enough scientifically to see how far we have to go.''

Chronic pain -- continuous pain lasting longer than six months -- afflicts an estimated 30 million to 50 million Americans, with social costs in disability and lost productivity adding up to more than $100 billion annually. However, only in recent years has it become a focus of research. There used to be no pain specialists because pain had always been understood as a symptom of underlying disease: treat the disease and the pain should take care of itself. Thus, specializing in pain made no more sense than specializing in fever. Yet the actual experience of patients frequently belied this assumption, for chronic pain often outlives its original causes, worsens over time and appears to take on a puzzling life of its own.

Research has begun to shed light on this: unlike ordinary or acute pain, which is a function of a healthy nervous system, chronic pain resembles a disease, a pathology of the nervous system that produces abnormal changes in the brain and spinal cord. New technology, like functional imaging, which is generating the first portraits of brains in action, is revealing the nature of pain's pathology.

Far from being simply an unpleasant experience that people should endure with a stiff upper lip, pain turns out to be harmful to the body. Pain unleashes a cascade of negative hormones like cortisol that adversely affect the immune system and kidney function. Patients treated with morphine heal more quickly after surgery. A recent study suggests that adequate cancer-pain treatment may influence the prospects for survival: rats with tumors given morphine actually live longer than those that do not receive it.

Paradigm shifts occur slowly; if arriving at a new medical conception of pain has been difficult and protracted, disseminating the knowledge will be more so. Pain treatment belongs primarily in the hands of ordinary physicians, most of whom know little about it. Less than 1 percent of them have been trained as pain specialists, and medical schools and textbooks give the subject very little attention. The primary painkillers -- opiates, like OxyContin -- are widely feared, misunderstood and underused. (A 1998 study of elderly women in nursing homes with metastatic breast cancer found that only a quarter received adequate pain treatment; one-quarter received no treatment at all.)

While the undertreatment of pain has led to lawsuits -- recently, a California court issued a judgment against a Bay Area internist for undertreating a terminally ill patient's cancer pain -- so has the overprescribing of OxyContin in cases of patient abuse. It takes only a few lawsuits -- along with the threat of Drug Enforcement Administration oversight and regulation -- to exert a chilling effect on prescribing practices. ''Doctors feel damned if they do and damned if they don't,'' says Dr. Scott Fishman, chief of the division of pain medicine at the University of California at Davis Medical Center. ''The enormous confusion about pain has led to the hysteria around opiates.''

Dr. James Mickle, a family doctor in rural Pennsylvania, describes the leeriness most physicians feel about treating pain: ''Is it objective or subjective? How do you know you're not being tricked or taken advantage of to get narcotics? And chronic-pain patients are, generally, well -- a pain. Most doctors' reaction to a patient with chronic pain is to try to pass them off to someone who's sympathetic.''

And what makes a doctor sympathetic to pain?

''Someone who has pain himself,'' Mickle says. ''Or has an intellectual interest -- who isn't interested in immediate results, doesn't want to make money, has a lot of degrees. There's one in a lot of communities, but then they get all the pain patients sent to them and eventually they burn out and quit.''

Daniel Carr's interest in pain began as an intellectual one. After training as an internist and endocrinologist, he published a landmark study in 1981 of runners, which showed that exercise stimulates beta-endorphin production, leading to a ''runner's high'' that temporarily anesthetizes the runner. He began to wonder: if the runner's high is an example of how a healthy body successfully modulates pain, what abnormality leads to chronic pain? He did a third residency in anesthesia and pain medicine, became a founder of the multidisciplinary pain clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital and a director of the American Pain Society. Six years ago, he moved to Tufts and set up a pain clinic (which loses money) and created the country's first master's program in pain for health professionals.

Every pain patient is a testament to the dangers of the conservative wait-it-out approach to pain, as a day spent in Carr's clinic demonstrates. But it is the last patient of the day, Lee Burke, whose story proves the most instructive, because her diagnosis turns out to be so simple, while the forces that worked against it being made earlier were so complex.

Seven years ago, Burke -- a delicately featured 56-year-old woman in a blue cotton sweater that picks up the blue of her eyes and the gray in her hair -- learned she had one of the most survivable varieties of brain tumors, a growth known as an acoustic neuroma behind her left ear. The recovery period from the surgery to remove it was supposed to be a mere seven weeks. Instead, she awoke from surgery with an unforeseen problem. She had headaches -- lancinating lightning, hot pain -- that knocked her out for periods ranging from four hours to four days. She never returned to her job as an executive at a real-estate company. When pain came between her and her husband, she left him -- and her money and her home. ''It was easier to be alone with the pain,'' Burke says.

Carr asks her to describe the headaches. Like most of the 100-odd patients I observed in various pain clinics trying to describe their suffering, Burke seems stumped by the question. Therein lies a specific damnation of pain. As Elaine Scarry writes in her seminal book, ''The Body in Pain,'' pain is not a linguistic experience; it returns us to ''the world of cries and whispers.'' Patients grope at far-fetched metaphors. ''A hot, banging pain, like an ice pick,'' says one. ''It heats up and then sticks it in, again and again.''

Says Burke: ''It's like being slammed into a wall and totally destroyed. It makes you want to pull every hair out of your head. There's nothing I can do to defend myself.'' She looks at Carr with the particular stricken bewilderment -- why and why me? -- that I saw on the faces of so many pain patients. Pain, from the Latin word for punishment, poena, can feel like the work of a torturer who must have -- but won't reveal -- a purpose. ''It's like knives are going through my eyes,'' she says, starting to weep.

While she blots her face, Carr sits calmly, his concentration fixed, his hands folded reassuringly across his lap, with the equable, impersonal kindness of a priest or a cop. Almost all of the patients during the long day have broken down in their appointments. Perhaps because their lives echo the chaos in his own blue-collar Irish-Catholic upbringing as the son of an alcoholic bartender, he says, he isn't alarmed when patients scream at him. He is neither indifferent to emotion nor distracted by it; you sense at all times that his focus is on the culprit -- the shape-shifter, the pain.

Carr asks Burke to close her eyes and taps her head with the corner of an unopened alcohol wipe. Within a few minutes he has found a clear pattern of numbness that suggests that one of the main nerves in her face -- the occipital nerve -- was severed or damaged during her surgery. It is clear from their differing expressions that Carr regards this as revelation -- the demystification of her pain -- and that Burke has no idea why.

Pain makes a child of everyone. Her voice becomes small as she asks, ''If the nerve was cut, why does it cause pain?''

It is a question researchers have only recently been able to answer. Doctors used to be so confident that severed nerves could not transmit pain -- they're severed! -- that nerve cutting was commonly prescribed as a treatment for pain. But while cut motor nerves can be counted on to cause paralysis, sensory nerves are tricky. Sometimes they stay dead, causing only numbness. But sometimes they grow back irregularly or begin firing spontaneously and produce stabbing, electrical or shooting sensations.

Picture the pain wiring of the nervous system as an alarm, the body's evolutionary warning system that protects it from tissue injury or disease. Acute pain is like a properly working alarm system: the pain proportionally matches the amount of damage, and it disappears when the underlying problem does. Chronic pain is like a broken alarm: a wire is cut and the entire system goes haywire. ''This is true pathology -- the repair doesn't occur, because the system itself is damaged,'' explains Clifford Woolf, an M.D.-Ph.D. pain researcher and the director of Mass. General's neuroplasticity lab. It is called neuropathic pain because it is a pathology of the nervous system.

Woolf was the first to answer an old puzzle: why does chronic pain often worsen over time? Why doesn't the body develop tolerance? Woolf's research demonstrated that physical pain changes the body in the same way that emotional loss watermarks the soul. The body's pain system is plastic and therefore can be molded by pain to cause, yes, more pain. An oft-used metaphor is that of an alarm continually reset to be more sensitive: first it is triggered by a cat, then a breeze and then for no reason it begins to ring randomly or continuously. As recent research by Allan Basbaum at the University of California at San Francisco has shown, with prolonged injury progressively deeper levels of pain cells in the spinal cord are activated. Pain nerves recruit others in a ''chronic-pain windup,'' and the whole central nervous system revs up and undergoes what Woolf calls ''central sensitization.''

Lee Burke's records do not even note whether her occipital nerve was cut, and her surgeon may not have noticed the dental-floss-size nerve. It took more than a year of complaints before she was referred to Dr. Martin Acquadro, the director of cancer pain at Mass. General, who noted that she had severe muscle spasms in her head, neck and shoulders. It was a classic pain misinterpretation: he seized on muscular pain as the primary problem, rather than a secondary symptom, and diagnosed tension headaches.

He treated her with Botox injections, tricyclic antidepressants and migraine medications. She tried range-of-motion physical therapy, stress-reduction courses, psychiatric treatment, yoga and meditation and consumed 3,200 milligrams of ibuprofen a day, along with 12 cups of coffee (caffeine is a treatment for migraines). He steered her away from opiates with warnings about their addictive qualities.

Until recently, opiates were the only serious pain drug available. But neuropathic pain is the kind of pain for which opiates are the least effective. In the past few years, however, an alternative has come along. A new antiseizure drug, Neurontin, has been found to also act as a nerve stabilizer that can quiet the misfiring nerves responsible for neuropathic pain.

When I call her four months after the appointment with Carr, Burke says she feels 50 percent better from a combination of Neurontin and other drugs. The muscle spasms -- so rigid that Acquadro compared them to railroad tracks -- had melted. She no longer needed a snorkel for her daily swim because she could move her head from side to side again. Of course, you have to be in terrible pain to find the side effects of pain drugs tolerable. But while her headaches sometimes required so much Neurontin that she was too dazed to walk, she was glad to be able to sit up to watch television instead of simply lying prone in agony.

''Dr. Carr is my savior,'' she says. I recall the way she left the appointment, clasping his hand as if she wanted to kiss it and looking at him with hope so intense it was hard to watch.

''There's tremendous ignorance about neuropathic pain,'' Woolf says. ''Most doctors don't know to look for it.'' One confusing factor is that not all patients with similar conditions develop chronic pain. Neuropathic pain seems to require genetic vulnerability. Pain clinics are filled with patients with ordinary conditions and extraordinary pain. M.R.I.'s show only bones and tissue; doctors might look at a patient's scan and say, ''Your back looks fine -- the muscle swelling is gone'' or ''The bone's all healed,'' and conclude there is no reason for pain. But the pain is not in the muscles or bones; it is in the invisible hydra of the nerves.

Of course, not all chronic pain is neuropathic -- there is inflammatory pain, for example, or muscular pain. But many chronic-pain conditions, like backache, which was once assumed to be wholly musculoskeletal, are now thought to have a neuropathic component.

About 10 percent of women used to complain of chronic pain following radical mastectomies. Their pain had always been interpreted as a psychological phenomenon: they were just ''missing'' their breasts. But in the early 1980's, Dr. Kathleen Foley at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York identified the pain as being caused by the severing of a major thoracic nerve during surgery, and the technique was revised.

Doctors warn patients of many risks, from death to scarring, but rarely mention the not-uncommon side effect of chronic pain. The life of one of Carr's patients was ruined by having a nerve nicked during plastic surgery to correct protruding ears. Another acquired chronic chest pain after being treated in a hospital for a collapsed lung when a tube was inserted in her chest -- one of the most nerve-rich areas in the body. One especially poignant category of patients in pain clinics is that of those who have had surgery specifically to treat chronic -- usually back -- pain where the surgery leads to new, worse pain, an outcome for which they say they had no warning.

Pain doctors have many theories about why these kinds of things happen, but the dialogue is frustratingly one-sided. There are no spokesmen for undertreating pain -- no one advocates not treating pain.

Although I contacted many of the former doctors of pain patients, it was rare that one was willing to examine his decisions thoughtfully, as Martin Acquadro did. It was immediately clear to me that Acquadro, a licensed dentist as well as an anesthesiologist, was both competent and caring and that the forces that delayed Burke's treatment were not personal shortcomings but genuine, pervasive confusions about pain.

Acquadro thought the pain of all acoustic neuroma patients should manifest itself similarly, and most of those he had seen did, in fact, ''respond to simpler, more holistic therapies.'' He had not thought of Neurontin, and he feared opiates. ''We don't always do patients a favor putting them on high-dose narcotics,'' he says. ''When a patient is depressed or anxious, you're leery about narcotics or alcohol. With Lee, I guess I'd have to say I was being cautious.'' His voice changes -- softens and quiets -- as he gets to the real point: ''I was afraid.''

Like many doctors, he says he felt comfortable with anti-inflammatory drugs, although the 3,200 milligrams of ibuprofen that Burke took daily put her at risk for gastrointestinal bleeding. According to the Federal Drug Abuse Warning Network, anti-inflammatory drugs (including aspirin and Aleve) were implicated in the deaths of 16,000 people in 2000 because of bleeding ulcers and related complications. While large doses of the drugs are sometimes needed to treat inflammation, opiates are a much safer -- and generally more effective -- analgesic.

Although far fewer than 1 percent of pain patients using opiates develop any addictive behavior, opiates have a reputation for being dangerous, and social biases -- class, race and sex -- influence who is entrusted with them. Studies by Dr. Richard Payne at Sloan-Kettering show that minorities are up to three times as likely as others to receive inadequate pain relief -- and to have their requests for medication interpreted as bad ''drug-seeking behavior.'' A study conducted by Dr. William Breitbart at Sloan-Kettering found that women with H.I.V. are twice as likely to be undertreated for pain as men. Many of Carr's patients have some social strike against them that led their previous doctors to withhold treatment: two were workers' compensation cases, one was mentally ill, several had histories of substance abuse, all of them were poor and most were women.

Women tend to be either less aggressive in demanding pain treatment or to be aggressive in ways that are misinterpreted as hysteria. The longer pain goes untreated, the more desperate and crazed the patient becomes -- until those behaviors look like the problem. Burke recalls that whenever Acquadro sent her to other specialists -- headache specialists, balance specialists and behavioral pain-medicine specialists -- she would break down during the appointments in pain and frustration. ''They all just figured I was a basket case,'' she says. ''And I was. I was a basket case.''

Rather than dismiss her psychic distress, Acquadro seems to have become overly focused on it, trying to explain her pain through that prism: ''Lee's pain seemed to be better at the times she was happier, was forming new relationships or helping others,'' he says. ''And even though she was motivated and worked hard on stress reduction, the fact remains, she is a tense person.''

Naturally. Everyone who has chronic pain eventually develops anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are not merely cognitive responses to pain; they are physiologic consequences of it. Pain and depression share neural circuitry. The hormones that modulate a healthy brain, like serotonin and endorphins, are the same ones that modulate depression. Functional-imaging scans reveal similar disturbances in brain chemistry in both chronic pain and depression.

''Chronic pain uses up serotonin like a car running out of gas,'' says Breitbart. ''If the pain persists long enough, everybody runs out of gas.'' Thus, Acquadro's not treating Burke's pain aggressively because she was ''tense'' is like ''not rescuing someone who is drowning because they're having a panic attack,'' according to Breitbart. Difficulty breathing triggers panic as reliably as pain causes depression. When serotonin is inhibited in laboratory animals, morphine ceases to have an analgesic effect on them. Medications that treat depression also treat pain. Depression or stressful events can in turn enhance pain. Since Sept. 11, pain clinics have been fuller. ''If we started putting sugar in the water, it would affect the diabetics first -- pain patients respond to stress with increased pain,'' explains Scott Fishman, who also trained as a psychiatrist. But to make stress reduction a primary strategy for pain treatment is trying to repaint the walls of a crumbling house.

It is an easy mistake to make -- and one I made myself. i developed pain five years ago for, what seemed to me, absolutely no reason. A fiery sensation flared in my neck, flowed through my right shoulder and sizzled in my hand. It didn't feel like normal pain -- it felt like a demon had rested a hand on my shoulder. Suddenly I tasted brimstone and burning.

Two years later, an M.R.I. would reveal spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal canal, and cervical spondylosis, a type of arthritis, both of which squeeze the nerves and cause pain to radiate into my shoulder and hand. But in the meantime, I was convinced that if I steadfastly ignored it, the pain would eventually go its own way. I tried to treat it as a psychological problem. Many pain patients have had doctors who pathologized them, told them their pain was unreal; I pathologized myself, hoping my pain was unreal -- or that it would become so if I treated it as such.

I analyzed the pain in psychotherapy. I tried acupuncture, massage and herbal remedies. I read books about conversion hysteria, the placebo effect and Sufis who thread fishhooks through their pectoral muscles. What I didn't read was anything that might have actually informed me about my symptoms, like Fishman's excellent patient-oriented book, ''The War on Pain.'' Nor did I consult any clarifying Web sites, like

When the pain depressed me, I focused on the depression. I adopted Dr. John E. Sarno's popular creed that muscular tension syndrome is the source of most back ills and faithfully scrutinized my life for stress. It is one of those circular self-confirming hypotheses: when I was happy and my pain light, I took it as confirmation of the correlation; when I was happy but had a lot of pain, I wondered if I didn't want to be happy. I recall how, strapped inside the white crypt of the M.R.I. machine for more than an hour, I tried to calm myself by repeating the motto of my Christian Scientist grandparents: ''There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation.'' But I sensed the machine was seeing my pain in its own way and that its report would be irrefutable. My pain would no longer be a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it. The greatest fear pain patients have, doctors sometimes say, is that it is ''all in their heads.'' But infinitely scarier, I thought as I lay there, is the fear that it isn't.

His is the new frontier of medicine,'' Clifford Woolf says heatedly in his clipped South African accent. ''What we're learning is that chronic pain is not just a sensory or affective or cognitive state. It's a biologic disease afflicting millions of people. We're not on the verge of curing cancer or heart disease, but we are closing in on pain. Very soon, I believe, there will be effective treatment for pain because, for the first time in history, the tools are coming together to understand and treat it.''

The most important tool in his lab at Mass. General -- a vast landscape of test tubes filled with rat DNA -- is the new ''gene chip'' technology that identifies which genes become active when neurons respond to pain. ''In the past 30 years of pain research, we've looked for pain-related genes, one at a time, and come up with 60. In the past year, using gene-chip technology, we've come up with 1,500,'' Woolf says happily. ''We're drowning in new information. All we have to do is read it all -- to prioritize, to find the key gene, the master switch that drives others.''

Woolf is particularly interested in certain abnormal sodium ion channels that are only expressed in sensory neurons that have been damaged. He believes he is close -- perhaps a year away -- from identifying which among these channels is the most important one. Then -- if his animal data applies to humans -- pharmaceutical companies could design blockers for these channels, and after the years it takes to develop a new drug, there could be a cure for neuropathic pain.

On the table before us in Woolf's lab, a graduate student is piercing the sciatic nerve of a white rat. The rat is of a pain-sensitive variety, one prone to developing neuropathic pain. In 10 days, when Woolf cuts open the rat's brain, he will be able to discern the imprint of the sciatic nerve injury. There will be corresponding maladaptive changes in the way the brain processes and generates pain.

The biggest question of pain research is whether this pathological cortical reorganization can be undone. A 1997 University of Toronto study has shown disturbing implications. Anna Taddio compared the pain responses of groups of infant boys who had been circumcised with and without anesthesia. Four to six months later, the latter group had a lowered pain threshold, crying more at their first inoculations -- providing evidence that there is cellular pain memory of damage to the immature nervous system.

Terms like ''pathological cortical reorganization'' and ''cellular pain memory'' have a very ominous ring. Are these children really doomed to be more sensitive to pain their entire lives? Will a cure for neuropathic pain help all the people who already have it -- or only prevent others from developing it?

Woolf looks at me and hesitates. ''We don't really know,'' he says tactfully. Another pause. ''In the present state, no.'' However, he says, even if the damage cannot be undone, treatment could still help suppress the abnormal sensitivity. ''But obviously, it's going to be much easier to prevent the establishment of abnormal channels than to treat the ones already there.'' He sighs, rests his head against his hand. ''Obviously.''

I want to ask another question, but I'm overcome by a rare unreporterly desire. I want him to get back to work.

C@ 2002 NYT


Pain is an epidemic, undertreated disease, experts say
With chronic pain affecting over 40 million Americans, experts are now recommending that it be “considered a disease state of the nervous system, not merely a prolonged acute symptom.” Left untreated or undertreated chronic pain can consume a patient’s life, making even the most basic activities difficult to perform. Compounding the problem is physicians’ reluctance to prescribe opioids for fear they will lose their license or face criminal action. Fortunately, state and federal legislation, as well as professional society guidelines, are in the works and/or being adopted which will make it easier for physicians to prescribe pain medication to those who need it most.

But conquering this new epidemic will take more than legislation. Effective treatment of chronic pain is going to require widespread education to dispel providers’ misconceptions and to teach proper diagnosis. 

Chronic pain can manifest as headache, myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, phantom limb pain ­ syndromes best diagnosed on the basis of clinical criteria. Unfortunately, physicians too often rely on results of MRIs or CT scans; and these imaging tests won’t pick up nerve damage or other problems that can contribute to pain. 

As a result, physicians end up describing the patient’s problem rather than providing a diagnosis ­ or they may dismiss the pain as psychogenic. The author suggests that physicians can learn to treat chronic pain more effectively if they begin to trust their own clinical judgment rather than rely solely on routine tests or “mechanical” evaluations. Pain medicine specialists interviewed for the article conclude that, while diagnostic tools and treatment options continue to be refined, most pain today can be managed using the tools we have available.

 (Sipkoff M. The Quality Indicator. May, 2000;1-8)


A good one to copy and take to your doctor:

Opioid Pain Relievers

Steven H. Richeimer, M.D. 
Director USC Pain Management, 
USC Medical Center Los Angeles, CA, USA 

Opioid Pain Relievers Make Headlines 
Opioids (morphine-like drugs) are generating a lot of press these days. New versions of these drugs such as Oxycontin® (sustained released oxycodone) have become the drug of choice for many addicts who get a high by grinding the pills and snorting them. The lengths these addicts go in order to get the pills reads like a bad movie script. They masquerade as medical staff, they get prescriptions from multiple doctors, they claim to have lost their pills - they become desperate for a fix. 

Yet, opioids are one of the best treatments available for the easing of pain and suffering. They are highly effective for acute pain, and moderately effective for chronic pain. They are remarkably free of any tissue toxicity, which means that they do not harm organs even with long-term use. The main side effects are sedation, constipation, and nausea. 

So how did something which has helped thousands of pain sufferers create such a media scare? 

The Nature of Addiction
First, let's try to understand the nature of addiction. Addiction is a psychological condition characterized by the inappropriate craving and seeking of opioids for reasons other than the treatment of a medical condition. When opioids are given to patients with addiction problems, their craving increases and their day-to-day functioning deteriorates. Pain patients, on the other hand, will report less pain and their day-to-day functioning will improve. 

The media, the general public, patients, and even doctors have always had a difficult time understanding that a person who takes pain medication for a legitimate ailment has an extremely rare chance of ever becoming addicted to pain pills. This has been borne out in study after study. Furthermore, almost all studies of pain treatment reveal that pain is undertreated, yet many doctors fear providing proper pain treatment, and a great many people suffer needlessly. 

Fear of addiction is what is driving the current media frenzy about these medications. The focus of attention should be on discerning who is an abuser while still making sure that the person with legitimate pain gets the medication necessary for recovery. Monitoring that medication is used as prescribed, and checking for improvement of patient functioning, will help the clinician screen for patients with addiction problems. 

Exciting Pain Medication Breakthroughs 
Let's take a quick look at the new science underlying the use of opioids. The nervous system functions by the transmission of nerve signals from one nerve cell (neuron) to another. One neuron releases a small amount of chemical (called a neurotransmitter), which fits like a puzzle into the next nerve and activates a receptor. Thus, the pain signal travels from one location to the next until it reaches the brain and causes the sensation of pain. Opioids act like brakes. They activate opioid receptors, which inhibit the neuron, making it is less likely to transmit the pain signal. 

There is increasing data that the most effective form of pain management is prevention (see our last Update, March 2001-Preventing Chronic Pain). The newer long-acting or sustained release opioid medications provide steady opioid blood levels, which may help to prevent pain (rather than the more difficult task of trying to catch up after the pain has become severe). 

There are several new discoveries about how opioids affect pain signal transmission: 

It has recently been discovered that some opioids do not only activate opioid receptors, but are also blockers of the NMDA (n-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor. NMDA blockers may actually decrease the development of both chronic pain as well as opioid tolerance. Some opioids have been found to inhibit the nervous system's disposal of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. Since these neurotransmitters also act to inhibit pain transmission, this ability may have important analgesic effects. 

Methadone is a particularly interesting opioid because it binds to a recently described sub-type of the opioid receptors, the mu3 receptor. This receptor is found in significant quantities on immune system cells, and may help to diminish pain by decreasing the inflammatory response. (Caution must be used in administering this medication because it's long half-life can lead to accumulating blood levels.) 

Exciting work is also being carried out on the anti-cancer effects of opioids, specifically methadone and morphine, which appear to induce apoptosis, (a form of cellular suicide) which helps to prevent the growth of human cancer cells and tumors. 

The ominous press reports notwithstanding, there is much to be excited about with the new pain medication tools we have! 

Until next time…Steven Richeimer, M.D.


Chronic Pain: 2. The Case for Opioids

University of Tennessee
Methodist Hospitals of Memphis
Opioid medications allow us to treat chronic pain as aggressively as we would any pathogen, but we must first overcome ingrained misconceptions about patients' motivations for seeking treatment and about the addictive properties of the drugs. With controlled use, the newer sustained-release formulations give real hope for safe and sustained pain relief. 


Dr. Brookoff is Clinical Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Memphis, College of Medicine, and Associate Director, Comprehensive Pain Institute, Methodist Hospitals of Memphis.  


Pain must be regarded as a disease... and the physician's first duty is action--heroic action--to fight disease. 

--Benjamin Rush         

Opioid medications were once withheld from suffering cancer patients because of fear of addiction, exaggerated concern about side effects, or, in some cases, doubt about the morality of treatment. Less than 50 years ago, some medical textbooks discussed the need for patients to experience pain and suffering at the end of life so that they would relate to the agony of Christ and prepare for redemption. Although few physicians still hold these views, many continue to imply that pain should be accepted without complaint, telling their patients that "after all, pain is not going to kill you." 

There is growing evidence, however, that too much pain can cause damage and even death. When pain is controlled, medications for the underlying disease or disorder tend to work better. Opioid analgesia is one of the most prolife therapies that we have to offer patients with cancer pain, and there is no reason to think that patients with other diseases are any less deserving of relief or that their pain is any less amenable to treatment. Although there is currently no ideal analgesic for chronic pain, medications that act on µ-opioid receptors are the closest thing that we have. 

Assessment of Pain

One of the main problems in assessing patients with chronic pain is that the physical examination and laboratory tests often do not provide the information necessary to gauge severity and assess outcomes. Various survey instruments and visual analogue scales that allow precise measurements of pain are available but used only rarely. Pain is generally assessed indirectly, which why it is so important to listen to--and believe--patients when they say that they are in pain. 

Some physicians apparently have difficulty with that. Many of my patients with chronic pain have been refused treatment by previous caregivers who apparently believed that their pain was not real. Even after undergoing painful procedures and surgeries that failed to bring relief, some of these patients were labeled as drug-seekers when they continued to ask for help. They had to contend not only with the pain but also with feelings of frustration, isolation, and abandonment by those on whom they had most relied. 

In some cases, physicians may be well informed about pain mechanisms but lack an organized approach to the individual assessment of pain. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with chronic pain syndromes can be time-consuming and often requires more data than can be obtained in a few brief clinic visits. I have found the following operational format to be particularly useful, both in gauging the severity of pain and in determining the degree of disability: 

1) The patient's perception. Asking the patient to keep a pain diary that includes numerical scales can help to objectify the pain. If it is understood that the physician will review the diary carefully, the patient will not have to act out a month's worth of pain at every appointment. The diary can also be an important aid in identifying exacerbating or ameliorating factors and developing more effective strategies to cope with the pain such as behavioral changes or the preemptive use of analgesics in certain situations.  
2) The patient's emotional state and somatic preoccupation. This relates to the degree to which the patient remains focused on bodily symptoms to the exclusion of other issues and often can be best assessed by interviewing a close family member.  
3) Functional status at home. The first things that many patients in pain stop doing are usually non-work-related activities such as going out with family and friends, attending church, or engaging in hobbies. Some patients continue to report pain or discomfort even though their condition has improved. By keeping track of daily activities, both patient and physician have some measure of how disabling the pain actually is.  
4) Functional status at work. The number of work days missed and the specific work activities curtailed because of pain are also useful indices of pain severity. Since these variables can be expected to change with analgesic treatment, they provide a way to gauge the patient's response to different therapies.  
5) Use of analgesic medications. If the patient is given an adequate supply of effective short-acting rescue medications and told to take them as needed, the number consumed can be a measure of pain. It can also be a way to assess whether the patient is benefiting from other medications or nonpharmacologic treatments. The physician should make it plain that the other treatments are not designed to get the patient to stop using the pain medication but to stop needing it.  

Setting Goals of Treatment

It is important that the physician and patient collaborate in developing the goals to guide treatment and the means to assess progress. In many cases, there is no realistic hope of cure, and patients must come to terms with the fact that treatment will probably continue for a long time. At first, the goals may be as simple as sleeping through the night, but as the patient's condition improves, more ambitious goals, such as returning to work or participating in recreational activities, may be attainable. In addition to reviewing the patient's diary and keeping track of the various functional indicators, the physician must take the time to discuss the patient's personal goals--what he or she has been missing because of pain and most wants to be restored. 

Treating Suffering as Well as Pain

The ultimate goal in treating chronic pain is for patients to reclaim control of their lives, and, to do that, they must be relieved of suffering as well as pain. Issues such as sadness over lost opportunities, guilt for being a burden to others, and feelings of inadequacy or abandonment contribute to the suffering of many patients with chronic pain and deserve attention. Ensuring that the patient obtains good psychological care is just as important as providing analgesic medications. 

Unfortunately, many patients with chronic pain see referral to a psychologist as an invalidation of the physical nature of their pain. After years of hearing their disease or disorder referred to as functional or somatoform, they may need to be convinced that it is common for chronic pain to have an impact on many aspects of their lives, including their relationships with family and friends. In referring my patients for psychological assessment, I encourage them to recognize that psychological health is a vital aspect of well-being. 

Initiation of Opioid Therapy

In the United States, up to 90% of the prescriptions written for opioids are for noncancer pain. The efficacy and safety of these drugs in treating chronic pain syndromes has been demonstrated many times over. Most patients with chronic pain of moderate or greater severity who have not gotten good relief with disease-specific treatments or nonopioid analgesics should at least have a trial of an opioid medication, no matter what the cause of the pain. One of the most important ground rules for such a trial, as well as for subsequent treatment, is that a single physician must take full responsibility for establishing the protocol and writing all prescriptions. 

Opiate-naive patients are usually started with a short half-life drug (e.g., hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone, codeine, or morphine). Because of their rapid clearance, these drugs must be taken every three to four hours. For severe pain, the usual starting dose is 10 to 15 mg of hydrocodone or oxycodone, 2 to 4 mg of hydromorphone, 30 to 60 mg of codeine, or 15 to 30 mg of morphine. 

The common strategy in treating chronic pain with opioid analgesics is to rely on "as-needed" intermittent dosing, but that does not usually provide sufficient coverage. As a result, the patient is subjected to periods of anxiety and pain that are not only unnecessary but also contribute to the patient's distrust of the physician's instructions. 

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